But for thousands of San Diegans, the holiday season is a time for struggle as many still don’t have enough to eat. Of San Diego county’s 3.2 million residents, 450,000 people face food insecurity every year– 177,000 of which are children. Food insecurity means that little or no food is available at home, and those who are food insecure do not know how they will get their next meal. Currently, 1 in 7 adults and 1 in 5 children face food insecurity in San Diego County.
We’re partnering with San Diego Harvest Nights and the San Diego Food Bank to host a food drive through the month of November. Dispensaries and manufacturers are invited to join us in collecting pre-packaged goods donated from customers and colleagues. We’ll provide the donation bins and can pick them up when they’re filled.
If you aren’t able to place a donation bin in your establishment, you can also participate by making a charitable donation
We’ll be updating our social media platforms as more participants sign-on! Follow us @infinitecalabs to find local dispensaries accepting donations. InfiniteCAL clients are also welcome to drop off donations at our lab.
This is an awesome opportunity to unite San Diego’s Cannabis Community to give thanks and give back!
If you’re interested in participating in the food drive, please email questions@infinitecal.com or call (858) 623-2740.
To sponsor or exhibit at San Diego Harvest Nights, You can reach out to events@cannabisinvestingco.com or sdcfmnc@gmail.com. Brands and dispensaries participating in the food drive will receive 20% off sponsorships and exhibits!
Tickets https://www.eventhi.io/event/harvest-nights-2517
A big thanks to our most recent participants!