Executive Spotlight Q&A:
Years at current company: 3.5 Years
Education profile: Eastern Washington University- 2008-2012 Chemistry, Physics and Biology
San Diego State University 2012-2017 Analytical Chemistry
University California San Diego 2013-2017 Analytical Chemistry
Most successful professional accomplishment before cannabis: My most successful professional accomplishment before joining the cannabis industry was returning to college after 5 years of completing high school and attending graduate programs.
Company Mission: Infinite Chemical Analysis Labs’ mission is to provide the cannabis industry with accurate and timely analytical services of the highest quality, while meeting or exceeding our clients’ expectations.
Company’s most successful achievement: Maintaining the highest standards in the industry while expanding from 2 employees to about 50.
Has the company raised any capital (yes or no): Yes
If so, how much?: 200k
Any plans on raising capital in the future? Yes
Most important company 5 year goal: InfiniteCAL’s 5 year company goal is to open analytical labs in 15-25 States and provide the best service in each state.