C8-0000047-LIC | ISO/IEC17025:2017 Accredited

Leafreport Study Finds Most CBD Sleep Products are Mislabeled


June 8, 2022

Out of 52 tested products, 60% contained the wrong amounts of CBD, CBN, or melatonin. One product contained no melatonin at all and two others had 3-5 times more than advertised.


CBD sleep products are becoming increasingly popular and sophisticated. Many contain not just CBD but other active ingredients, with melatonin and the minor cannabinoid, cannabinol (CBN), being the most popular.


But do these products actually contain what it says on the label? Are their levels of active ingredients accurate?


To find out, Leafreport bought 52 CBD sleep products and sent them to an accredited third-party cannabis testing lab called Infinite Chemical Analysis Labs. Most of these came in the form of gummies, tinctures, or capsules.


We compared the lab’s findings to the amounts of CBD, CBN, and melatonin listed on the product label and description. Here’s what we found…








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Infinite Chemical Analysis Lab